Team Elevator recently watched the Amy Cuddy video which you can watch here on Ted Talks entitled Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are.
Amy discovered the following through her life and research. She inspired us (brought a tear to some of our eyes actually) and so we wanted to share it with you in advance of our Elevator Conference 2015 #MakingItHappen.
Our minds change our bodies - can our bodies change our minds?
Powerful people take up more space and have more open body language.
Can we fake it 'til we make it and use our non-verbal body language to look powerful, and in turn make us FEEL powerful?
Amy says powerful people are:
- more assertive
- more confident
- optimistic (the feel like they will win)
- think abstractly
Amy tells us that our bodies can change our minds, our minds can change our behaviour, and our behaviour changes our outcomes.
This means that Power Poses lead to powerful minds, powerful behaviours - leading to powerful and positive job interviews, business pitches, and presentations!
Fake it til you make it?
How about faking it until you BECOME IT.
Thank you to Amy Cuddy for inspiring Team Elevator.
We are hoping to see many of you readers at the Elevator Conference 2015, but we have another special ask of you...
Send us your #PowerPose.
Share a pic of your best PowerPose to the Elevator Facebook: /UKElevator or via Twitter: @elevatorUK with the hashtags #MakingItHappen and #PowerPose on the run up to the Elevator Conference taking place on the 20th of November 2015 and you will be entered into our competition to win an iPad mini - the winner will be drawn at the Conference.
If not you, who?
if not now, when?
Book your place on the Elevator Conference 2015 HERE
Here are some of the Team Elevator sending you a PowerPose but we can't wait to see yours!